🗳️With a Wallet

To do this, you will need the following three pieces of information:

  • _tokenId: This is the ID of your SFS NFT. It is unique and increments by 1 each time someone registers a contract.

  • _recipient: This is the address to which the earnings will be sent.

  • _amount: This is the amount to withdraw. If you set a higher amount, you will simply withdraw the total of the earned fees.

Once you have this information, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Testnet Blockscout, depending on where your NFT and contracts are deployed.

  2. Navigate to the Contract tab and select Write Contract.

  3. Look for the 11. withdraw function at the bottom.

  4. Input the _tokenId, _recipient, and _amount.

    • Example: (34, 0x4E6A1C8cD8F8b3C7aA6E7A94C7d6c8b4aB4E6F8A, 908654698 )

  5. Sign the transaction and wait to receive your rewards!

Last updated