
A list of Spotify APIs


To obtain x-api-key please contact the team. You can find more information at the "Connect With Us" section


All requests require a valid API key to be included in the x-api-key header.

Fetch Played Tracks by Spotify Id

GET https://<baseURL>/played-tracks

Fetches the played tracks of the authenticated Spotify user

This endpoint will only work if the user has connected their Spotify account to the platform.

Query Parameters

  "isError": boolean,
  "data": [
      "track": {
        "album": {
          "album_type": string,
          "artists": [
              "external_urls": {
                "spotify": string
              "href": string,
              "id": string,
              "name": string,
              "type": string,
              "uri": string
          "available_markets": [string],
          "external_urls": {
            "spotify": string
          "href": string,
          "id": string,
          "images": [
              "height": number,
              "url": string,
              "width": number
          "name": string,
          "release_date": string,
          "release_date_precision": string,
          "total_tracks": number,
          "type": string,
          "uri": string
        "artists": [
            "external_urls": {
              "spotify": string
            "href": string,
            "id": string,
            "name": string,
            "type": string,
            "uri": string
        "available_markets": [string],
        "disc_number": number,
        "duration_ms": number,
        "explicit": boolean,
        "external_ids": {
          "isrc": string
        "external_urls": {
          "spotify": string
        "href": string,
        "id": string,
        "is_local": boolean,
        "name": string,
        "popularity": number,
        "preview_url": string,
        "track_number": number,
        "type": string,
        "uri": string
      "played_at": string,
      "context": {
        "type": string,
        "href": string,
        "external_urls": {
          "spotify": string
        "uri": string
  "message": string
curl --location '' \
--header 'x-api-key: <apiKey>'

Fetch Saved Tracks by Spotify Id

GET https://<baseURL>/saved-tracks

Fetches the saved tracks of the authenticated Spotify user

This endpoint will only work if the user has connected their Spotify account to the platform.

Query Parameters

*** same format as played-tracks above

curl --location '' \
--header 'x-api-key: <apiKey>'

Fetch Saved Albums by Spotify Id

GET https://<baseURL>/saved-albums

Fetches the saved albums of the authenticated Spotify user

This endpoint will only work if the user has connected their Spotify account to the platform.

Query Parameters

  "isError": boolean,
  "data": [
      "albumId": string,
      "albumName": string,
      "albumTotalTracks": number,
      "albumPopularity": string,
      "albumImages": [
          "url": string,
          "height": number,
          "width": number
      "albumType": string,
      "albumAvailableMarkets": string,
      "albumExternalUrls": {
        "spotify": string
      "albumHref": string,
      "albumReleaseDate": string,
      "albumReleaseDatePrecision": string,
      "albumUri": string,
      "albumExternalIds": string,
      "albumGenres": string,
      "albumLabel": string
  "message": string
curl --location '' \
--header 'x-api-key: <apiKey>'

Fetch Saved Playlists by Spotify Id

GET https://<baseURL>/saved-playlists

Fetches the saved playlists of the authenticated Spotify user

This endpoint will only work if the user has connected their Spotify account to the platform.

Query Parameters

  "isError": boolean,
  "data": [
      "playlistId": string,
      "playlistName": string,
      "playlistDescription": string,
      "playlistImages": [
          "height": number,
          "url": string,
          "width": number
      "playlistExternalUrls": {
        "spotify": string
      "playlistHref": string,
      "playlistType": string,
      "playlistUri": string,
      "playlistCollaborative": boolean,
      "playlistFollowers": number,
      "playlistSnapshotId": string
  "message": string
curl --location '' \
--header 'x-api-key: <apiKey>'

Fetch Playlists Tracks by Spotify Id

GET https://<baseURL>/playlist/tracks

Fetches the playlists tracks of the authenticated Spotify user with the specified playlist

This endpoint will only work if the user has connected their Spotify account to the platform.

Query Parameters






The playlistId of the playlist

  "isError": boolean,
  "data": {
    "id": string,
    "name": string,
    "description": string,
    "images": [
        "height": number,
        "url": string,
        "width": number
    "owner": {
      "id": string,
      "displayName": string
    "tracks": [
        "id": string,
        "name": string,
        "album": string,
        "artists": [string]
    "externalUrls": {
      "spotify": string
  "message": string
curl --location '' \
--header 'x-api-key: <apiKey>'

Fetch Album Tracks by Spotify Id

GET https://<baseURL>/album/tracks

Fetches the playlists tracks of the authenticated Spotify user with the specified playlist

This endpoint will only work if the user has connected their Spotify account to the platform.

Query Parameters






The albumId of the album

    "isError": boolean,
    "data": {
        "id": string,
        "name": string,
        "images": [
                "url": string,
                "height": number,
                "width": number
        "artists": [
                "id": string,
                "name": string
        "releaseDate": string,
        "totalTracks": number,
        "externalUrls": {
            "spotify": string
    "message": string
curl --location '' \
--header 'x-api-key: <apiKey>'

Fetch Spotify User by Wallet Address

GET https://<baseURL>/wallet-spotify-data

Fetches the details of a Twitter user by their wallet address

If the user exists in the database, it returns the existing user data. Otherwise, it fetches the user data from Twitter and saves it.

Query Parameters




The registered wallet address of the user

    "isError": boolean,
    "data": {
        "spotifyUser": {
            "id": string,
            "display_name": string,
            "external_urls": string,
            "href": string,
            "images": [],
            "type": string,
            "uri": string,
            "followers": number,
            "lastSynced": string,
            "createdAt": string,
            "updatedAt": string
        "tracks": (same as the one in played-tracks endpoint) 
    "message": string
curl --location '' \
--header 'x-api-key: <apiKey>'

Last updated