💡Getting started

This is how to get started

SOP: User Authentication Process in Camp Auth Hub

Objective: To guide users through the process of connecting their wallet, signing in, and authenticating with social platforms in the Camp Auth Hub.

Key Steps:

  1. Connecting Wallet:

    • User navigates to the Auth Hub and clicks on the option to connect their wallet.

    • User follows the prompts to sign in and authorize the connection.

  2. Authentication with Social Platforms:

    • User selects the desired social platform (e.g., Spotify, Twitter) for authentication.

    • User authorizes the connection with the selected social platform.

    • Ensure that green check marks appear to indicate successful authentication.

  3. Accessing User Data by Apps:

    • Once the user has authenticated with the desired apps, those apps gain access to user data.

    • Apps utilize an API key to search for specific users who have signed up with them.

Cautionary Notes:

  • Users should only connect their wallet and authenticate with social platforms they trust.

  • Ensure that the green check marks appear after authentication to confirm successful connections.

  • Apps should only access user data as necessary and in compliance with privacy regulations.

Last updated