đ§ Twitter API Temporarily Unavailable đ§
We're performing a major system upgrade to improve our API performance and reliability. API services are currently offline.
We apologize for the disruption and are working to restore services soon.
baseURL: wv2h4to5qa.execute-api.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/dev/twitter
To obtain x-api-key please contact the team. You can find more information at the "Connect With Us" section
All requests require a valid API key to be included in the x-api-key header.
Fetches the details of a Twitter user by their username
For the client to access data, Twitter users need to authenticate through the Camp Auth hub.
Query Parameters
The username of the Twitter user
"isError": false,
"data": {
"id": "1781088676375625728",
"displayName": "TestAccount",
"userHandle": "testAccount",
"profileBio": "This is my test account",
"profilePictureUrl": "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1781088718637371392/IW7Wnnv9_normal.png",
"isVerified": false,
"isBlueVerified": false,
"verifiedType": "",
"location": "",
"likeCount": 23,
"followerCount": 48,
"followingCount": 23,
"dailyTweetCount": null,
"weeklyTweetCount": null,
"tweetFrequencyInDays": null
"message": ""
{"message": "twitterUserName is required"}
{"message": "Please wait a few minutes for us to process and fetch your data"}
Fetches the tweets of a Twitter user by their username
For the client to access data, Twitter users need to authenticate through the Camp Auth hub.
Please note that tweet statistics aren't updated in real time on this display. For the latest stats, use the command /gettweetbyid
Query Parameters
The username of the Twitter user
The current page number in the pagination. It represents which set of records you want to retrieve.
The number of records to retrieve per page.
"isError": false,
"data": [
"id": "1836877589161410907",
"twitterUserId": "1781088676375625728",
"tweetText": "lezz go",
"tweetTimestamp": "2024-09-19T21:18:39.000Z",
"likeCount": 0,
"retweetCount": 0,
"replyCount": 0,
"quoteCount": 0,
"isReTweet": false,
"replyToTweetId": null,
"tweetedBy": null,
"replyToUserId": null
"message": ""
{"message": "twitterUserName is required"}
{"message": "Please wait a few minutes for us to process and fetch your data"}
Fetches the followers of a Twitter user by their username
this endpoint is deprecated
For the client to access data, Twitter users need to authenticate through the Camp Auth hub.
Query Parameters
The username of the Twitter user
The current page number in the pagination. It represents which set of records you want to retrieve.
The number of records to retrieve per page.
"isError": false,
"data": [
"id": "7e0b256e-472b-4168-b23e-171254adeb3d",
"userId": "1781088676375625728",
"twitterUserId": "1821239367559737344",
"userHandle": "SeseloshHW69gS",
"displayName": "Seselosh",
"type": "follower",
"orderId": 51,
"location": ""
"message": ""
{"message": "twitterUserName is required"}
{"message": "Please wait a few minutes for us to process and fetch your data"}
Fetches the following of a Twitter user by their username
is endpoint is deprecated
For the client to access data, Twitter users need to authenticate through the Camp Auth hub.
Query Parameters
The username of the Twitter user
The current page number in the pagination. It represents which set of records you want to retrieve.
The number of records to retrieve per page.
"isError": false,
"data": [
"id": "7973eddf-5726-44a3-883a-ba09e6419322",
"userId": "1781088676375625728",
"twitterUserId": "2885754653",
"userHandle": "TheSonOfWalkley",
"displayName": "TheSonOfWalkley",
"type": "following",
"orderId": 3,
"location": "McDonaldâs"
"message": string
{"message": "twitterUserName is required"}
{"message": "Please wait a few minutes for us to process and fetch your data"}
Fetches the tweet of a Twitter user by tweetId
For the client to access data, Twitter users need to authenticate through the Camp Auth hub.
Query Parameters
"isError": false,
"data": {
"tweetData": {
"id": "1843987335744295320",
"tweetText": "How to create a perfect CT founder image:\n\n- Activate founder mode (make sure everyone thinks you never sleep)\n- Buzzword overload (if itâs confusing, it must be genius)\n- Act extra nerdy (the more obscure the tech reference, the more legit you seem)",
"tweetTimestamp": "2024-10-09T12:10:15.000Z",
"likeCount": 60,
"retweetCount": 0,
"replyCount": 11,
"quoteCount": 1,
"mediaUrls": [],
"userMentions": [],
"hashtags": [],
"createdAt": "2024-10-09T13:57:52.368Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-10-09T13:57:52.368Z"
"message": ""
{"message": "tweetId is required"}
{"message": "Please wait a few minutes for us to process and fetch your data"}
Fetches the details of a Twitter user by their wallet address
For the client to access data, Twitter users need to authenticate through the Camp Auth hub.
Query Parameters
The registered wallet address of the user
"isError": false,
"data": {
"twitterUser": {
"id": "1781088676375625728",
"displayName": "CharleneTest",
"userHandle": "charlene_n89400",
"profileBio": "This is my test account",
"profilePictureUrl": "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1781088718637371392/IW7Wnnv9_normal.png",
"isVerified": false,
"isBlueVerified": false,
"verifiedType": "",
"location": "",
"likeCount": 23,
"followerCount": 48,
"followingCount": 23,
"dailyTweetCount": null,
"weeklyTweetCount": null,
"tweetFrequencyInDays": null,
"lastSynced": "2024-10-04T23:30:23.849Z",
"accessToken": null,
"refreshToken": null,
"tokenLastUpdatedAt": "2024-09-25T16:36:26.462Z",
"createdAt": "2024-10-01T20:25:33.983Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-10-01T20:25:33.983Z"
"tweets": [
"id": "1836877589161410907",
"twitterUserId": "1781088676375625728",
"tweetText": "lezz go",
"tweetTimestamp": "2024-09-19T21:18:39.000Z",
"likeCount": 0,
"retweetCount": 0,
"replyCount": 0,
"quoteCount": 0,
"isReTweet": false,
"replyToTweetId": null,
"tweetedBy": null,
"replyToUserId": null
} ....
"followers": [
"id": "7e0b256e-472b-4168-b23e-171254adeb3d",
"userId": "1781088676375625728",
"twitterUserId": "1821239367559737344",
"userHandle": "SeseloshHW69gS",
"displayName": "Seselosh",
"type": "follower",
"orderId": 51,
"location": ""
} ....
"followings": [
"id": "7973eddf-5726-44a3-883a-ba09e6419322",
"userId": "1781088676375625728",
"twitterUserId": "2885754653",
"userHandle": "TheSonOfWalkley",
"displayName": "TheSonOfWalkley",
"type": "following",
"orderId": 3,
"location": "McDonaldâs"
} ....
"message": ""
{"message": "tweetId is required"}
{"message": "Please wait a few minutes for us to process and fetch your data"}
Fetch Users Reposted
Fetches the reposted tweets by their username
For the client to access data, Twitter users need to authenticate through the Camp Auth hub.
Query Parameters
The username of the Twitter user
The current page number in the pagination. It represents which set of records you want to retrieve.
The number of records to retrieve per page.
"isError": false,
"data": [
"id": "1828113463073272223",
"twitterUserId": "1781088676375625728",
"tweetText": "RT @elonmusk: Video of the inside of Cortex today, the giant new AI training supercluster being built at Tesla HQ in Austin to solve real-wâĻ",
"tweetTimestamp": "2024-08-26T16:53:08.000Z",
"likeCount": 0,
"retweetCount": 52292,
"replyCount": 0,
"quoteCount": 0,
"isReTweet": true,
"replyToTweetId": "",
"tweetedBy": "1781088676375625728",
"replyToUserId": ""
"id": "1828113190783459747",
"twitterUserId": "1781088676375625728",
"tweetText": "RT @elonmusk: https://t.co/X6LehWFrrY",
"tweetTimestamp": "2024-08-26T16:52:04.000Z",
"likeCount": 0,
"retweetCount": 32738,
"replyCount": 0,
"quoteCount": 0,
"isReTweet": true,
"replyToTweetId": "",
"tweetedBy": "1781088676375625728",
"replyToUserId": ""
"message": ""
{"message": "twitterUserName is required"}
{"message": "Please wait a few minutes for us to process and fetch your data"}
Fetch Users Replies
Fetches the Retweets/Quoted/Replies by their username
For the client to access data, Twitter users need to authenticate through the Camp Auth hub.
Query Parameters
The username of the Twitter user
The current page number in the pagination. It represents which set of records you want to retrieve.
The number of records to retrieve per page.
"isError": false,
"data": [
"replied": {
"id": "1828113463073272223",
"twitterUserId": "1781088676375625728",
"tweetText": "RT @elonmusk: Video of the inside of Cortex today, the giant new AI training supercluster being built at Tesla HQ in Austin to solve real-wâĻ",
"tweetTimestamp": "2024-08-26T16:53:08.000Z",
"likeCount": 0,
"retweetCount": 52292,
"replyCount": 0,
"quoteCount": 0,
"isReTweet": true,
"replyToTweetId": "",
"tweetedBy": "1781088676375625728",
"replyToUserId": ""
"replied": {
"id": "1828113190783459747",
"twitterUserId": "1781088676375625728",
"tweetText": "RT @elonmusk: https://t.co/X6LehWFrrY",
"tweetTimestamp": "2024-08-26T16:52:04.000Z",
"likeCount": 0,
"retweetCount": 32738,
"replyCount": 0,
"quoteCount": 0,
"isReTweet": true,
"replyToTweetId": "",
"tweetedBy": "1781088676375625728",
"replyToUserId": ""
"message": ""
{"message": "twitterUserName is required"}
{"message": "Please wait a few minutes for us to process and fetch your data"}
Fetch Users Likes
Fetches the likes by their username
For the client to access data, Twitter users need to authenticate through the Camp Auth hub.
Only users connected via the Camp Network Extension have access to data from this endpoint
Query Parameters
The username of the Twitter user
"isError": false,
"data": [
"walletAddress": "0xf6c9d44C0Ae5e6D8585B1F75B791801C9e8d6F96",
"tweetId": "1843987335744295320",
"createdAt": "2024-10-09T13:57:21.559Z"
"message": ""
{"message": "twitterUserName is required"}
Fetch Users Follows
Fetches the follows by their username
For the client to access data, Twitter users need to authenticate through the Camp Auth hub.
Only users connected via the Camp Network Extension have access to data from this endpoint
Query Parameters
The username of the Twitter user
"isError": false,
"data": [
"walletAddress": "0xD1f240f1188F78195a23a3e5A69697235A5Ca75E",
"profileHandle": "ETHRome",
"createdAt": "2024-10-08T11:19:15.655Z"
"message": ""
{"message": "twitterUserName is required"}
Fetches the viewed tweets by their username
For the client to access data, Twitter users need to authenticate through the Camp Auth hub.
Only users connected via the Camp Network Extension have access to data from this endpoint
Query Parameters
The username of the Twitter user
"isError": false,
"data": [
"firstViewedAt": "2024-10-12T03:08:03.775Z",
"lastViewedAt": "2024-10-12T03:08:03.775Z",
"walletAddress": "0xf6c9d44C0Ae5e6D8585B1F75B791801C9e8d6F96",
"tweetId": "1844920539267145917",
"visitCount": 1
} ...
"message": ""
{"message": "twitterUserName is required"}